Fuel Meals container with salmon and broccoli into a gym bag, highlighting convenient and nutritious meal options.

Losing and Gaining Weight is Simple: CICO (Calories in Calories Out)

Written by: Kevin Hossein


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Time to read 6 min

Weight Management Simplified: The Power of CICO (Calories In, Out)

When it comes to weight management, there's a simple yet profoundly effective principle:  CICO, or Calories In, Calories Out . This foundational concept in nutrition is not a complex equation, but a straightforward one that you can easily grasp. It's your key to understanding weight loss, weight gain, and weight maintenance. Whether you're trying to slim down, bulk up, or stay healthy, mastering CICO will put you in control of your fitness journey.

What is CICO?

CICO stands for Calories In, Calories Out . It's a straightforward equation: the calories you consume minus the calories you burn equals your net caloric balance. This balance determines whether you lose, gain, or maintain weight.

  • Calories In : These are the calories you consume from food and drinks. Every meal, snack, and beverage contributes to your daily caloric intake.
  • Calories Out : These are the calories your body burns throughout the day. This includes calories burned through essential physiological functions like breathing, digestion (your Basal Metabolic Rate, or BMR), and calories burned through physical activity.

The relationship between calories in and calories out ultimately drives changes in body weight. To put it simply:

  • If you consume more calories than you burn, you gain weight.
  • If you burn more calories than you consume, you lose weight.
  • If your calorie intake equals your calorie expenditure, your weight remains stable.

The Science Behind CICO

The science behind CICO is based on the First Law of Thermodynamics, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed—only transformed. In the context of your body, this means that the energy (calories) you take in from food must be used by the body or stored (usually as fat). If you eat more than your body needs for energy, the excess is stored, leading to weight gain. Conversely, if you eat less than your body needs, your body will use stored energy, leading to weight loss.

Why CICO is Effective

One of the reasons CICO is so effective is its simplicity. Unlike fad diets, which focus on specific foods or macronutrient ratios, CICO is all about balance. It doesn't restrict you to certain types of food or require you to cut out entire food groups. Instead, it empowers you to make informed decisions based on your total calorie intake and expenditure.


CICO is highly flexible. You can apply the CICO principle whether you're vegan, vegetarian, keto, paleo, or following any other dietary preference. It allows you to eat the foods you enjoy while still achieving your weight goals, as long as you manage your calorie balance.


Because CICO doesn't impose rigid food restrictions, maintaining long-term is easier. You're not setting yourself up for failure by creating unrealistic eating patterns. Instead, you're learning to balance your intake with your activity level, critical to sustaining a healthy weight over time.


With CICO, you're not just managing your weight, you're in control. You can adjust your calorie intake based on your goals. If you want to lose weight, you create a calorie deficit. If you're going to gain weight, you make a calorie surplus. If you want to maintain weight, you balance your intake with your expenditure. This understanding and control is empowering, putting you in the driver's seat of your fitness journey.

Assorted Fuel Meals in black containers, including a Pineapple Stir-Fry meal with nutritional information displayed.

Applying CICO for Weight Loss

The CICO method is your best ally if you want to lose weight. Here's how you can use this principle effectively:

Determine Your Caloric Needs

Start by calculating your daily caloric needs. This includes your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), which is the number of calories your body needs at rest, plus the calories you burn through physical activity. You can use online calculators or consult a nutritionist for an accurate number.

⮕ Create a Caloric Deficit

To lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than you burn. A standard guideline is to aim for a deficit of 500-1000 calories daily. This should result in a weight loss of about 1-2 pounds per week, considered safe and sustainable.

⮕ Track Your Intake and Output

Use a food diary or an app like MyFitnessPal to track your daily calorie intake. This will help you stay within your target range. Also, track your physical activity to ensure you burn enough calories to create the desired deficit.

⮕ Focus on Nutrient-Dense Foods

While CICO is about managing calories, the quality of those calories matters, too. Opt for nutrient-dense foods that keep you full and provide essential nutrients. Think lean proteins, whole grains, vegetables, and healthy fats. These foods not only support weight loss but also promote overall health.

Applying CICO for Weight Gain

On the other hand, if your goal is to gain weight—particularly muscle mass—the CICO principle still applies, but in reverse:

⮕ Calculate Your Maintenance Calories

Start by determining the number of calories you need to maintain your current weight. This is your BMR plus the calories you burn through daily activities.

⮕ Create a Caloric Surplus

To gain weight, you need to eat more calories than you burn. Aim for a caloric surplus of 250-500 calories per day. This will allow you to gradually gain weight, minimizing the risk of excessive body fat.

⮕ Choose Calorie-Dense, Nutrient-Rich Foods

Focus on foods that are high in calories but also offer nutritional benefits. Avocados, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and lean proteins are excellent choices. These foods help you meet your calorie goals without compromising your health.

⮕ Incorporate Strength Training

Pair your caloric surplus with a strength training regimen. Strength training, also known as resistance training, is a type of physical activity that uses resistance to improve muscle strength and endurance. This will help you build muscle rather than just adding fat. Building muscle also increases your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), the number of calories your body needs at rest, making it easier to maintain a healthy weight in the long run.

Why CICO Works for Everyone

CICO works because it's based on the fundamental laws of energy balance. It's a no-nonsense approach that doesn't rely on gimmicks, supplements, or extreme dietary restrictions. Instead, it provides a sustainable, science-backed method for managing your weight.

It's Based on Science

CICO is grounded in the laws of thermodynamics, making it a reliable and scientifically sound approach to weight management. No matter what dietary preferences or restrictions you have, CICO can be applied to help you reach your goals.

It's Adaptable

Whether you're trying to lose, gain, or maintain weight, the CICO principle can be adapted to your needs. It's not about fitting into a specific diet, it's about making your diet fit your goals. It allows for flexibility, making it easier to stick to it over the long term, no matter your dietary preferences.

It's Empowering

You gain control over your health and fitness journey by understanding and applying CICO. You can make informed choices about what you eat and how active you are, which leads to better results and greater satisfaction.

Conclusion: Fuel Your Journey with Fuel Meals

Applying the CICO principle doesn't have to be complicated. Fuel Meals allows you to easily manage caloric intake while enjoying delicious, nutritious meals. Our portion-controlled meals support your weight management goals, whether you're losing weight, gaining muscle, or maintaining your current weight.

Let Fuel Meals do the heavy lifting and take the guesswork out of your diet.  Visit our  Discounted Meals Plan today for 40% off your first order, and start fueling your journey toward a healthier, happier you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is CICO and how does it work?

CICO stands for Calories In, Calories Out. It's a simple principle that weight management is determined by balancing the calories you consume and burn. If you consume more calories than you burn, you gain weight. If you burn more than you consume, you lose weight.

Can I lose weight by just counting calories?

You can lose weight by creating a calorie deficit—consuming fewer calories than you burn. However, focusing on nutrient-dense foods is essential to ensure you get the vitamins and minerals your body needs while staying within your calorie limits.

Is CICO effective for gaining muscle?

CICO can be effective for gaining muscle if you create a calorie surplus and pair it with strength training. Focus on consuming nutrient-rich, calorie-dense foods to support muscle growth.

Do I need to follow a specific diet with CICO?

No, CICO is flexible and can be adapted to any dietary preference. Whether you're vegan, keto, or follow another diet, the key is balancing your calorie intake with your activity level to achieve your weight goals.

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